PHP 支持按值传递参数(默认),通过引用传递参数以及默认参数。也支持可变长度参数列表。
Example #1 向函数传递数组
function takes_array($input)
echo "$input[0] + $input[1] = ", $input[0]+$input[1];
如果想要函数的一个参数总是通过引用传递,可以在函数定义中该参数的前面加上符号 &:
Example #2 用引用传递函数参数
function add_some_extra(&$string)
$string .= 'and something extra.';
$str = 'This is a string, ';
echo $str; // outputs 'This is a string, and something extra.'
函数可以定义 C++ 风格的标量参数默认值,如下所示:
Example #3 在函数中使用默认参数
function makecoffee($type = "cappuccino")
return "Making a cup of $type.\n";
echo makecoffee();
echo makecoffee(null);
echo makecoffee("espresso");
Making a cup of cappuccino. Making a cup of . Making a cup of espresso.
PHP 还允许使用数组 array 和特殊类型 NULL
Example #4 使用非标量类型作为默认参数
function makecoffee($types = array("cappuccino"), $coffeeMaker = NULL)
$device = is_null($coffeeMaker) ? "hands" : $coffeeMaker;
return "Making a cup of ".join(", ", $types)." with $device.\n";
echo makecoffee();
echo makecoffee(array("cappuccino", "lavazza"), "teapot");
Example #5 函数默认参数的不正确用法
function makeyogurt($type = "acidophilus", $flavour)
return "Making a bowl of $type $flavour.\n";
echo makeyogurt("raspberry"); // won't work as expected
Warning: Missing argument 2 in call to makeyogurt() in /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/phptest/functest.html on line 41 Making a bowl of raspberry .
Example #6 函数默认参数正确的用法
function makeyogurt($flavour, $type = "acidophilus")
return "Making a bowl of $type $flavour.\n";
echo makeyogurt("raspberry"); // works as expected
Making a bowl of acidophilus raspberry.
Note: 自 PHP 5 起,传引用的参数也可以有默认值。
在PHP 5中,类型声明也被称为类型提示。
类型声明允许函数在调用时要求参数为特定类型。 如果给出的值类型不对,那么将会产生一个错误: 在PHP 5中,这将是一个可恢复的致命错误,而在PHP 7中将会抛出一个TypeError异常。
Type | Description | Minimum PHP version |
Class/interface name |
The parameter must be an instanceof the given class or interface
PHP 5.0.0 |
self |
The parameter must be an instanceof the same class as the one the
method is defined on. This can only be used on class and instance
PHP 5.0.0 |
array | The parameter must be an array. | PHP 5.1.0 |
callable | The parameter must be a valid callable. | PHP 5.4.0 |
bool | The parameter must be a boolean value. | PHP 7.0.0 |
float | The parameter must be a floating point number. | PHP 7.0.0 |
int | The parameter must be an integer. | PHP 7.0.0 |
string | The parameter must be a string. | PHP 7.0.0 |
iterable |
The parameter must be either an array or an instanceof Traversable.
PHP 7.1.0 |
object |
The parameter must be an object. | PHP 7.2.0 |
Aliases for the above scalar types are not supported. Instead, they are
treated as class or interface names. For example, using
as a parameter or return type will require
an argument or return value that is an instanceof
the class or
interface boolean
, rather than of type
function test(boolean $param) {}
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to test() must be an instance of boolean, boolean given, called in - on line 1 and defined in -:1
Example #7 Basic class type declaration
class C {}
class D extends C {}
// This doesn't extend C.
class E {}
function f(C $c) {
echo get_class($c)."\n";
f(new C);
f(new D);
f(new E);
C D Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to f() must be an instance of C, instance of E given, called in - on line 14 and defined in -:8 Stack trace: #0 -(14): f(Object(E)) #1 {main} thrown in - on line 8
Example #8 Basic interface type declaration
interface I { public function f(); }
class C implements I { public function f() {} }
// This doesn't implement I.
class E {}
function f(I $i) {
echo get_class($i)."\n";
f(new C);
f(new E);
C Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to f() must implement interface I, instance of E given, called in - on line 13 and defined in -:8 Stack trace: #0 -(13): f(Object(E)) #1 {main} thrown in - on line 8
Example #9 Typed pass-by-reference Parameters
Declared types of reference parameters are checked on function entry, but not when the function returns, so after the function had returned, the argument's type may have changed.
function array_baz(array &$param)
$param = 1;
$var = [];
int(1) Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to array_baz() must be of the type array, int given, called in %s on line %d
Example #10 Nullable type declaration
class C {}
function f(C $c = null) {
f(new C);
object(C)#1 (0) { } NULL
默认情况下,如果能做到的话,PHP将会强迫错误类型的值转为函数期望的标量类型。 例如,一个函数的一个参数期望是string,但传入的是integer,最终函数得到的将会是一个string类型的值。
可以基于每一个文件开启严格模式。在严格模式中,只有一个与类型声明完全相符的变量才会被接受,否则将会抛出一个TypeError。 唯一的一个例外是可以将integer传给一个期望float的函数。
使用 declare
严格类型适用于在启用严格模式的文件内的函数调用,而不是在那个文件内声明的函数。 一个没有启用严格模式的文件内调用了一个在启用严格模式的文件中定义的函数,那么将会遵循调用者的偏好(弱类型),而这个值将会被转换。
严格类型仅用于标量类型声明,也正是因为如此,这需要PHP 7.0.0 或更新版本,因为标量类型声明也是在那个版本中添加的。
Example #11 Strict typing
function sum(int $a, int $b) {
return $a + $b;
var_dump(sum(1, 2));
var_dump(sum(1.5, 2.5));
int(3) Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to sum() must be of the type integer, float given, called in - on line 9 and defined in -:4 Stack trace: #0 -(9): sum(1.5, 2.5) #1 {main} thrown in - on line 4
Example #12 Weak typing
function sum(int $a, int $b) {
return $a + $b;
var_dump(sum(1, 2));
// These will be coerced to integers: note the output below!
var_dump(sum(1.5, 2.5));
int(3) int(3)
Example #13 Catching TypeError
function sum(int $a, int $b) {
return $a + $b;
try {
var_dump(sum(1, 2));
var_dump(sum(1.5, 2.5));
} catch (TypeError $e) {
echo 'Error: '.$e->getMessage();
int(3) Error: Argument 1 passed to sum() must be of the type integer, float given, called in - on line 10
PHP 在用户自定义函数中支持可变数量的参数列表。在 PHP 5.6 及以上的版本中,由 ...
语法实现;在 PHP 5.5 及更早版本中,使用函数
func_get_args() 。
in PHP 5.6+
In PHP 5.6 and later, argument lists may include the
token to denote that the function accepts a
variable number of arguments. The arguments will be passed into the
given variable as an array; for example:
Example #14 Using ...
to access variable arguments
function sum(...$numbers) {
$acc = 0;
foreach ($numbers as $n) {
$acc += $n;
return $acc;
echo sum(1, 2, 3, 4);
You can also use ...
when calling functions to unpack
an array or Traversable variable or
literal into the argument list:
Example #15 Using ...
to provide arguments
function add($a, $b) {
return $a + $b;
echo add(...[1, 2])."\n";
$a = [1, 2];
echo add(...$a);
3 3
You may specify normal positional arguments before the
token. In this case, only the trailing arguments
that don't match a positional argument will be added to the array
generated by ...
It is also possible to add a
type hint before the
token. If this is present, then all arguments
captured by ...
must be objects of the hinted class.
Example #16 Type hinted variable arguments
function total_intervals($unit, DateInterval ...$intervals) {
$time = 0;
foreach ($intervals as $interval) {
$time += $interval->$unit;
return $time;
$a = new DateInterval('P1D');
$b = new DateInterval('P2D');
echo total_intervals('d', $a, $b).' days';
// This will fail, since null isn't a DateInterval object.
echo total_intervals('d', null);
3 days Catchable fatal error: Argument 2 passed to total_intervals() must be an instance of DateInterval, null given, called in - on line 14 and defined in - on line 2
Finally, you may also pass variable arguments
by reference by
prefixing the ...
with an ampersand
No special syntax is required to note that a function is variadic; however access to the function's arguments must use func_num_args(), func_get_arg() and func_get_args().
The first example above would be implemented as follows in PHP 5.5 and earlier:
Example #17 Accessing variable arguments in PHP 5.5 and earlier
function sum() {
$acc = 0;
foreach (func_get_args() as $n) {
$acc += $n;
return $acc;
echo sum(1, 2, 3, 4);