匿名函数(Anonymous functions),也叫闭包函数(closures
匿名函数目前是通过 Closure 类来实现的。
Example #1 匿名函数示例
echo preg_replace_callback('~-([a-z])~', function ($match) {
return strtoupper($match[1]);
}, 'hello-world');
// 输出 helloWorld
闭包函数也可以作为变量的值来使用。PHP 会自动把此种表达式转换成内置类 Closure 的对象实例。把一个 closure 对象赋值给一个变量的方式与普通变量赋值的语法是一样的,最后也要加上分号:
Example #2 匿名函数变量赋值示例
$greet = function($name)
printf("Hello %s\r\n", $name);
任何此类变量都应该用 use
PHP 7.1 起,不能传入此类变量: superglobals、 $this 或者和参数重名。
Example #3 从父作用域继承变量
$message = 'hello';
// 没有 "use"
$example = function () {
echo $example();
// 继承 $message
$example = function () use ($message) {
echo $example();
// Inherited variable's value is from when the function
// is defined, not when called
$message = 'world';
echo $example();
// Reset message
$message = 'hello';
// Inherit by-reference
$example = function () use (&$message) {
echo $example();
// The changed value in the parent scope
// is reflected inside the function call
$message = 'world';
echo $example();
// Closures can also accept regular arguments
$example = function ($arg) use ($message) {
var_dump($arg . ' ' . $message);
Notice: Undefined variable: message in /example.php on line 6 NULL string(5) "hello" string(5) "hello" string(5) "hello" string(5) "world" string(11) "hello world"
这些变量都必须在函数或类的头部声明。 从父作用域中继承变量与使用全局变量是不同的。全局变量存在于一个全局的范围,无论当前在执行的是哪个函数。而 闭包的父作用域是定义该闭包的函数(不一定是调用它的函数)。示例如下:
Example #4 Closures 和作用域
// 一个基本的购物车,包括一些已经添加的商品和每种商品的数量。
// 其中有一个方法用来计算购物车中所有商品的总价格,该方法使
// 用了一个 closure 作为回调函数。
class Cart
const PRICE_BUTTER = 1.00;
const PRICE_MILK = 3.00;
const PRICE_EGGS = 6.95;
protected $products = array();
public function add($product, $quantity)
$this->products[$product] = $quantity;
public function getQuantity($product)
return isset($this->products[$product]) ? $this->products[$product] :
public function getTotal($tax)
$total = 0.00;
$callback =
function ($quantity, $product) use ($tax, &$total)
$pricePerItem = constant(__CLASS__ . "::PRICE_" .
$total += ($pricePerItem * $quantity) * ($tax + 1.0);
array_walk($this->products, $callback);
return round($total, 2);;
$my_cart = new Cart;
// 往购物车里添加条目
$my_cart->add('butter', 1);
$my_cart->add('milk', 3);
$my_cart->add('eggs', 6);
// 打出出总价格,其中有 5% 的销售税.
print $my_cart->getTotal(0.05) . "\n";
// 最后结果是 54.29
Example #5 Automatic binding of $this
class Test
public function testing()
return function() {
$object = new Test;
$function = $object->testing();
object(Test)#1 (0) { }
以上例程在 PHP 5.3 中的输出:
Notice: Undefined variable: this in script.php on line 8 NULL
As of PHP 5.4.0, when declared in the context of a class, the current class is
automatically bound to it, making $this
inside of the function's scope. If this automatic binding of the current
class is not wanted, then
static anonymous
functions may be used instead.
As of PHP 5.4, anonymous functions may be declared statically. This prevents them from having the current class automatically bound to them. Objects may also not be bound to them at runtime.
Example #6 Attempting to use $this
inside a static anonymous function
class Foo
function __construct()
$func = static function() {
new Foo();
Notice: Undefined variable: this in %s on line %d NULL
Example #7 Attempting to bind an object to a static anonymous function
$func = static function() {
// function body
$func = $func->bindTo(new StdClass);
Warning: Cannot bind an instance to a static closure in %s on line %d
版本 | 说明 |
7.1.0 | Anonymous functions may not close over superglobals, $this, or any variable with the same name as a parameter. |
5.4.0 | $this 可用于匿名函数。 |
5.3.0 | 可以使用匿名函数。 |
Note: 可以在闭包中使用 func_num_args(),func_get_arg() 和 func_get_args()。