

在此请不要使用任何时区列表(除 UTC 外),仅用于向后兼容,可能会引起某些错误行为。


If you disregard the above warning, please also note that the IANA timezone database that provides PHP's timezone support uses POSIX style signs, which results in the Etc/GMT+n and Etc/GMT-n time zones being reversed from common usage.

For example, the time zone 8 hours ahead of GMT that is used in China and Western Australia (among other places) is actually Etc/GMT-8 in this database, not Etc/GMT+8 as you would normally expect.

Once again, it is strongly recommended that you use the correct time zone for your location, such as Asia/Shanghai or Australia/Perth for the above examples.

Africa/Asmera Africa/Timbuktu America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia America/Atka
America/Buenos_Aires America/Catamarca America/Coral_Harbour America/Cordoba
America/Ensenada America/Fort_Wayne America/Godthab America/Indianapolis
America/Jujuy America/Knox_IN America/Louisville America/Mendoza
America/Montreal America/Porto_Acre America/Rosario America/Santa_Isabel
America/Shiprock America/Virgin Antarctica/South_Pole Asia/Ashkhabad
Asia/Calcutta Asia/Chongqing Asia/Chungking Asia/Dacca
Asia/Harbin Asia/Istanbul Asia/Kashgar Asia/Katmandu
Asia/Macao Asia/Rangoon Asia/Saigon Asia/Tel_Aviv
Asia/Thimbu Asia/Ujung_Pandang Asia/Ulan_Bator Atlantic/Faeroe
Atlantic/Jan_Mayen Australia/ACT Australia/Canberra Australia/LHI
Australia/North Australia/NSW Australia/Queensland Australia/South
Australia/Tasmania Australia/Victoria Australia/West Australia/Yancowinna
Brazil/Acre Brazil/DeNoronha Brazil/East Brazil/West
Canada/Atlantic Canada/Central Canada/Eastern Canada/Mountain
Canada/Newfoundland Canada/Pacific Canada/Saskatchewan Canada/Yukon
CET Chile/Continental Chile/EasterIsland CST6CDT
Cuba EET Egypt Eire
Etc/GMT+1 Etc/GMT+10 Etc/GMT+11 Etc/GMT+12
Etc/GMT+2 Etc/GMT+3 Etc/GMT+4 Etc/GMT+5
Etc/GMT+6 Etc/GMT+7 Etc/GMT+8 Etc/GMT+9
Etc/GMT-0 Etc/GMT-1 Etc/GMT-10 Etc/GMT-11
Etc/GMT-12 Etc/GMT-13 Etc/GMT-14 Etc/GMT-2
Etc/GMT-3 Etc/GMT-4 Etc/GMT-5 Etc/GMT-6
Etc/GMT-7 Etc/GMT-8 Etc/GMT-9 Etc/GMT0
Etc/Greenwich Etc/UCT Etc/Universal Etc/UTC
Etc/Zulu Europe/Belfast Europe/Nicosia Europe/Tiraspol
Factory GB GB-Eire GMT
GMT+0 GMT-0 GMT0 Greenwich
Hongkong HST Iceland Iran
Israel Jamaica Japan Kwajalein
Libya MET Mexico/BajaNorte Mexico/BajaSur
Mexico/General MST MST7MDT Navajo
NZ NZ-CHAT Pacific/Johnston Pacific/Ponape
Pacific/Samoa Pacific/Truk Pacific/Yap Poland
ROK Singapore Turkey UCT
Universal US/Alaska US/Aleutian US/Arizona
US/Central US/East-Indiana US/Eastern US/Hawaii
US/Indiana-Starke US/Michigan US/Mountain US/Pacific
US/Pacific-New US/Samoa UTC W-SU
WET Zulu